Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kona Brewing Co. Big Wave Golden Lager

What they say: Big Wave is a lighter bodied golden ale with a tropical hop aroma and flavor – a smooth, easy drinking refreshing ale. The use of caramel malt contributes to the golden hue of this beer and our special blend of hops provides bright quenching finish.

What we say: This beer is not accurately named or classified in my opinion. As for the "golden", try thinking of an original Coors in color and clarity. More yellow than gold. While Kona calls this an ale, you would think is was a lager. As for flavor, there is really not much to latch on to. 

Taste: Little to no reference to malts or hops or flavoring of any kind. Slightly sour. All the body of a typical American pilsner. 

Appearance: Weak, clear yellow hue.

Cost: $6.99-$7.99

Last Word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale.

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