Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Band of Brewers Third Shift Amber Lager

What they say: Gold Medal Winner (That's about it)

What we say: This is a boutique label brewed by Coors and as such tastes like a cousin to original Coors. An amber "ale" would have shown more ambition. Okay if you are in a beer bind.

Taste: Thin body with a wee bit of malt sweetness.

Appearance: A very light gold, tinted and clear yellow. Tall head but not rich, more fizz. 

Cost: $1.49 - $1.79 per can

Last Word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale.

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Spoetzl Brewing Co. Shiner Bock

What they say: With its deep amber color, distinctive rich flavor and full body, Shiner Bock demonstrates the care of a handcrafted brewing process to bring forth a mellow taste free of the bitter aftertaste.

What we say: They have the mellow bit right. Lacking in body and any real flavor to grasp. Overly carbonated as well. Might do in a pinch versus the cheap stuff. 

Taste: Not a lot to rave about here. Some sweet malt taste, but more sugar than anything desirable. Not a lot of body either. 

Appearance: Dark amber with slight reddish hue.

Cost: $6.79 - $7.99
Last Word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Kona Brewing Co. Fire Rock Pale Ale

What they say: It's signature copper color results from the unique blend of specialty roasted malts. The pronounced citrus-floral hop aroma comes from the liberal amount of Galena, Cascade and Mt. Hood hops added to each brew.

What we say: This A top grocery store find! Extremely flavorful and well crafted with an unusual recipe of hops and malts. Don't pass this one by. Be careful, you can go through a 6-pack of these without even trying.

Taste: The flavor is a delicious and balanced blend of hops and malts that is strong but not over powering. Where most pale ale's don't offer much in the way of hops or malts, think of this almost as a DPA. (Double Pale Ale) 

Appearance: Hazy amber. Filtered, but not to the point of being crystal clear, which to me shows off the ingredients in a beer. This is about as pretty as a beer can get. A nice moderate amount of biscuit colored head that disappears quickly

Cost: $6.99 - $8.79

Last Word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale.

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Highland Brewing Co. Gaelic Ale

What they say: Deep American amber ale featuring a rich malty body. Cascade and Williamette hops add a complex hop and aroma. This ale is exceptionally balanced between malty sweetness and delicate hop bitterness.

What we say: The color leans a little more toward a dark ruby than amber but it's pleasing nonetheless. This  is a perfect gateway to malty beers. Think of it as an IPA but instead of amped up hops, the Gaelic Ale has more malts. Next step up to Bear Republic's Red Rock Ale.

Taste: A little sweeter than most grocery store beers, this brew highlights malts instead of hops. Nice medium body, and a welcome relief from beers and brewers who have the "hops on the brain syndrome".

Appearance: A dark but translucent red.

Cost: $8.79 - $9.99

Last Word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale.


Kona Brewing Co. Big Wave Golden Lager

What they say: Big Wave is a lighter bodied golden ale with a tropical hop aroma and flavor – a smooth, easy drinking refreshing ale. The use of caramel malt contributes to the golden hue of this beer and our special blend of hops provides bright quenching finish.

What we say: This beer is not accurately named or classified in my opinion. As for the "golden", try thinking of an original Coors in color and clarity. More yellow than gold. While Kona calls this an ale, you would think is was a lager. As for flavor, there is really not much to latch on to. 

Taste: Little to no reference to malts or hops or flavoring of any kind. Slightly sour. All the body of a typical American pilsner. 

Appearance: Weak, clear yellow hue.

Cost: $6.99-$7.99

Last Word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale.

Sierra Nevada Celebration Ale - Seasonal

What they say: "Celebration Fresh Hop Ale is a special ale for the holidays. Featuring the first hops of the growing season, this pioneering IPA is full of complex flavors and aromas from the generous use of whole cone American Hops"

What we say: This is one of the best beers on the market, grocery store or not. The breweries description is on the money with the "full of complex flavor" assessment. Multiple and layered hop flavors are right up front with no searching involved. Additionally, there is a decent amount of malt flavor trying to play catch up. This winter seasonal usually starts hitting shelves in November and quite often sales out quick. You're lucky to get a 6-pack of this by early January.

Taste: Very hoppy up from, giving away to some malt flavor in the rear.

Appearance: Simply beautiful. A gorgeous amber liquid with an off-white head that is frothy and hangs around for a good while. Leaves a moderate amount of lace on the glass.

Cost: $7.99 - $8.79 per 6-pack.

Last word: Get it! / Skip it / Wait for a sale